About Us

At unsoaped, we want to change what you consider 'normal' for skin care. Why, you may ask? Because what you put on your skin is as important as what you eat. 

Most of my life, I've had oily skin but two years ago I experienced my first bout with dry skin on my shoulders and back - HOW ANNOYING. And I was traveling most of the time via air all around the country, so I was very 'liquid conscious' (think TSA security checkpoints). 

I'm Tawni, and I created unsoaped because I couldn't find products that worked for my oily and dry skin that didn't have undesirable ingredients in them. My love for science runs deep, and my BS degree in Medical Technology (clinical laboratory testing) gives me with a solid ground for understanding chemicals and their purposes in skin care products. How did I get to the point of forming unsoaped? 

unsoaped product display at a charity-related craft sale event

Sometime in 2015, I took an in-depth look at my diet: what I kept in my kitchen, how I cooked and stored food (this was when BPA was big in the news), where I bought my food (grocery store vs. local farmers), deciphering food labels, etc. It was a big task with a lot of big changes, and I felt good about it all. Then my experience with dry skin hit, and I started looking at the products I used daily in my shower, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, and other 'seasonal' products in the linen closet, and I started having similar questions that I had with food: Why did body wash need 18 ingredients? Why did I need lotion after I showered? And more lotion on my legs at night? Why did my lotion have 13 ingredients? And some of those ingredients are byproducts of the petroleum industry. CRAZY, right? 

When I started really looking at product labels, one thing was clear: water. While drinking water is necessary for your body to function AND impacts your skin, when it's used in skin care products there must be chemical preservatives to support it. Your skin doesn't need - or want - any of those chemicals, and since your skin absorbs what you put on it, your body doesn't need or want them, either. Interesting thing - when you take away water as an ingredient, your ingredient list becomes understandable and your skin becomes better. 

Exfoliated skin to reduce dryness? (unsoap - YES!) Moisturized skin for DAYS with no water or chemicals? (unsoap - YES!) A delightfully scented bathroom? (unsoap - YES!)

unsoap butter scrub bars, packaged and displayed for sale at an event

Lotion in a bar, without water? (unlotion - YES!) No small plastic bottles of lotion that go empty quickly and you find yourself stuck without lotion on an airplane? (unlotion - FTW!) 

That's how we started this journey to uncomplicated body care: a love for science and the need for a better solution for healthier skin.

Every ingredient in unsoaped products is intentional and has a benefit to your skin, body, and senses. We use organic ingredients when it's reasonable, and only essential oils and extracts (no synthetic fragrance oils, a.k.a. chemicals).

Feel free to reach out to us with any feedback, product ideas, or custom orders. We'll listen - we promise. 

unsoaped, LLC
PO Box 414
Fishers, IN 46038

(317) 528-0170
